Wavve Audio Insider #98: Podcasters, Learn to Love Video


Welcome, Wavve Maker! 🚀 Your VIP ticket to a 5-minute tour of podcasting, content marketing, and social media's hottest trends!

In today’s email:

  • Important Facts About Video and Podcasting
  • 🧼How to Clean Up Audio on a Video


More Facts About Video and Podcasting for Success in 2024

Our friends at Sounds Profitable have more insights to share that will surely help you find you podcast audience. The post, 10 Critical Facts About Video for Podcasting Success in 2024, has more than its share of gems.

  • The video podcast consumer and the audio podcast consumer are the same people. This is important to not lose sight of. Don't overthink the audience.
  • The video consumer is from a different, newer generation of the podcast audience. YouTube is where 41% of a survey population discovered podcasting.
  • While the video audience listen to all genres, they have preferred formats for what they watch on video. Conversations between hosts and interviews are the preferred formats. So...dynamic conversations are the way to go.

There are seven more points made in the post, and they're all worth a look if building an audience is your primary podcasting goal.


The use of color is what works here. Blue is a nice highlight to the vibrant orange and yellow. The organic flow of the background is pleasing to the eye as well. And while there's a lot going on, it doesn't get in the way of the text, making the podcast name, its subject and its hosts crystal clear.


Find your next favorite podcast with EarBuds!

There are so many podcasts out there. How do you choose what's worth your time? EarBuds brings you 5 podcast recommendations on a theme, and each week is curated by a different person. You can even curate a list for us!

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How To Clean Up Audio on a Video

Have you just recorded the perfect video, only to find the audio quality of your recording is less than ideal?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to abandon the video and start again. There are plenty of ways you can clean up the audio on a video to save your recording and maintain a high level of quality.

Here's a preview:

  • 🎤Use the right recording environment.
  • 🛁Clean up the audio with post production.
  • 🎇Add effects.
  • 🛠️Use automated background removal tools.


🏆 iHeartPodcast 2024 Awards nominees announced. See the list.

🥡Dexa hopes to make podcast searching easier with AI. See how.

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This email goes to registered creators at wavve.co or those subscribed to The Wavve Blog. Wavve helps [WORK_ROLE GOES HERE] creators grow their influence online with social video and text.

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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