Wavve Audio Insider #77

As a creator and Wavve Maker in the Wavve community, you get this exclusive newsletter, where we talk podcasting, content marketing, and social media.

In today’s email:

  • Channel dependence in a time of change
  • ​Spotify is changing its royalty model​​
  • The top 15 podcasting advertisers spent a total of $68M on podcast ads in October​
  • Wavve Design of the Week
  • Podcast Guest Checklist: The Ultimate Rulebook For Hosts
  • Meme Worthy


Channel dependence in a time of change

Spotify is asserting itself in the return of the content gatekeepers.

As YouTube and X, among others, have also done, the gate for content creators is getting harder and harder to open to unlock revenue.

Of course, as more people flock to fewer platforms, it becomes necessary to curate better content, but as an artist or creator, it means you have to work much harder to get on the radar at all.

And once creators have achieved a certain level of success, there is no guarantee that channel will continue to pay what you have come to believe is normal.

Not only are platforms changing their models left and right, but listener behaviors are changing as well.

This means, we must be careful how much we are depending upon certain channels or platforms for our revenue.

As soon as you grow your podcast, YouTube, or social channel into a profitable endeavor, it's key to begin asking what other streams of revenue you can setup.

This constant exercise will build more strength in your longevity as a content creator, and allow you to stay in the game to reap the benefits of all your work.

What is one step you can take today to move toward more independence from one revenue stream?




Episode 171 y'all. Windowsill Chats with Margo Tantau is doing something right. And judging from her beautifully done Wavve designs, you can see why. She has a unique font title, a stunning photo, and a description that explains what the episode is about. Finish with a subtle waveform animation at the bottom, and you are all set. Great job!


Podcast Guest Checklist: The Ultimate Rulebook For Hosts

Planning to host a new podcast guest? Follow these steps to guarantee you and your guest are well-prepared for the conversation.

7 Ways to Prepare for Hosting Your Podcast Guest:

  1. Choose The Right Guest
  2. Conduct Thorough Research on Your Guest
  3. Prepare Your Questions
  4. Send Questions To Your Podcast Guest
  5. Run Through The Set Ahead of Time
  6. Prepare an Intro for Your Podcast Guest

How Guests Can Prepare to be on Your Podcast Show:

  1. Listen To Past Episodes
  2. Have Stories Ready
  3. Understand The Audience

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Give your audio a social media makeover. Wavve turns podcasts, talks, and audiobooks into dazzling video snippets. Amplify reach, captivate followers, and soar! Learn more


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This email goes to registered creators at wavve.co or those subscribed to The Wavve Blog. Wavve helps [WORK_ROLE GOES HERE] creators grow their influence online with social video and text.

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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