Wavve Audio Insider #122: When Podcasts Met Video. What to Do.

In today’s email:

  1. What to Do When Podcasts Move to Video
  2. Design of the Week
  3. Missed and Listed

What to Do About the Whole Podcasts and Video Conundrum

A recent article in the New York Times, With YouTube Booming, Podcast Creators Get Camera-Ready, discussed the popularity of "video podcasts" and the purists who believe podcasts should stick to audio only.

The video vs. audio argument is a wide-ranging topic for another time. For now, we'll talk about the considerations and implications if you're thinking about making the shift to video.📽️

  • It's an Investment. Producing high-quality video content requires additional equipment and technical know-how. Podcasters accustomed to working primarily with audio may find the transition to video daunting and expensive, especially if they lack experience with video production..
  • Video Can Expand Your Reach. Video allows podcasters to tap into a broader audience base. Traditional podcast platforms are still popular, but video platforms like YouTube offer a massive potential audience.
  • It Can Enhance Your Content. Video gives you the power to add visual elements like charts, graphs, images, on-screen demonstrations that provide additional value to the audience. But that can also come at a additional production cost. You take the good with the bad.
  • Video Will Make You Concentrate More on Your Delivery. When you're on camera, things are different. If video is in your future, you need to work on your delivery. The audience can see your expressions, which can be a positive way to convey emotion, but it also requires you to pay attention to your mannerisms.'

There are myriad other things to consider when video gets in the podcast mix. And you may not want to switch your format from audio-only at all. Just know that video is here to stay.

Analysis: Yet another example of letting simple design do the work. The podcast title is front and center. The font change for the episode title lends a casual feel to the entire design. The large profile photo of the host is one that makes her feel friendly and approachable.


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🎧 2024's most bingeworthy podcasts...so far. See the list.

🫤 Google Podcasts will pull the plug in June. Learn more.

Find your next favorite podcast with EarBuds! 5 podcast recommendations on a theme. Each week is curated by a different person. You can even curate a list for us! Subscribe now.

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This email goes to registered creators at wavve.co or those subscribed to The Wavve Blog. Wavve helps [WORK_ROLE GOES HERE] creators grow their influence online with social video and text.

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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