Wavve Audio Insider

Each week, we bring the Wavve Maker community relevant news and encouragement in the world of audio marketing and podcasting. #MakeWavves

Let's go!

With a nice blurred out photo background, beautiful illustration of a coffee cup with waveform, and clean lines, CoffeeBreak Academy inspires us to listen. This kind of design is most likely finished in something like Canva, dropped as a png into Wavve, waveform animation is then added, and they can load the finished video anywhere they want. Their YouTube has over 114,000 subs, so they are doing it right. 👏👏🏽👏🏻👏🏿

  • Fewer podcasts were created in 2022 than in the two years prior. Sounds like it's time to release your greatest hits.
  • New podcasts created dropped by nearly 80 percent between 2020 and 2022. So if you are new to the game, #respect.
  • A hot exclusive find by PodNews, Google Podcasts has been removed from Google Search. Is Google positioning to have YouTube make a larger play in podcasting? We shall see.
  • Lest you start getting FOMO about doing a video podcast, in a recent survey, over half of podcasters planned to stick to audio only for their shows in 2023.

After the last newsletter, I received both positive feedback on our content and also an, "F*** you! Stop spamming me" reply.

There is no perfect publishing schedule or quality of original content you can create. Some will love it; some will hate it (and share how they feel). So you just have to keep showing up for the ones that are learning and resonating with you. Thank you for being here. 🙏

We hope you enjoyed this week's Wavve Audio Insider. I love hearing from you about what you are up to. Hit reply and let me know. I read all emails.

Jeff Dolan

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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