Wavve Audio Insider #128: All About Podcast Brand Building

In today’s email:

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Podcast Branding
  2. How to Not Ruin Your Brand
  3. Design of the Week
  4. Missed and Listed

The Ultimate Guide to Podcast Branding

Creating a recognizable brand is essential when it comes to building a business. It's equally important if you're trying to build your podcast audience.

Podcasting continues to grow in popularity, and with millions of podcasts available, standing out is more important than ever. Effective branding is key to making your podcast memorable and attracting a loyal audience. A recent blog post by Wavve provides the ultimate guide to podcast branding in 2024.

A few of the tips to consider.

  • Define your podcast identity.
  • Craft a compelling podcast name.
  • Design an eye-catching podcast logo.
  • Develop a consistent visual style.
  • Create a memorable intro and outro.
  • Develop a strong online presence.
  • Leverage cross-promotion.
  • Monitor and adapt your branding.

How to Not Ruin Your Brand

Establishing your brand isn't easy and takes time. Destroying it can take just a few seconds. Sounds Profitable posted an article recently explaining a few of the ways to turn off an audience. Here are the top five ways to offend your listeners, broken down by political affiliation.

  1. Racist language
  2. Sexist language
  3. Explicit or factual discussions of sex
  4. Jokes about any religion
  5. Promotion of guns or firearms

The post goes into much more insightful detail. We often talk about how to build an audience, but how not to make sure you keep one is important too.


Analysis: Font usage and word design can say a lot. Separating "Make 7-Figures" from the rest of the text draws the viewers eye, to the key part of the title. Who doesn't want to make seven figures? Highlighting this essential part of text is smart and leads me to want to find out exactly how I can make big bucks. The overall design is fairly clean and simple, which is a nice compliment to the main callout.


🆕 What Google AI's revamp means for content marketing's future. Find out more.

🎧 20 tips for starting a business podcast from Forbes. See the list.

📢^^ YOUR AD HERE! Knock, Knock. Who's there? Spotlight. Spotlight, who?
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This email goes to registered creators at wavve.co or those subscribed to The Wavve Blog. Wavve helps [WORK_ROLE GOES HERE] creators grow their influence online with social video and text.

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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