Wavve Audio Insider #124: Brand Advertising Is a Revenue Stream You Need to Pay Attention To

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In today’s email:

  1. How Brand Advertising Is Growing in Podcasting
  2. Design of the Week
  3. Missed and Listed

How Brand Advertising Is Growing in Podcasting

Radio INK examines advertising trends in podcasting in a recent article. Things are positive for podcasters. We've discussed this before, but the connection between advertisers and podcast listeners is a strong one.

Case in point, in the research mentioned in the article, 61% of listeners tended to form a more positive perception of a podcast sponsoring brand. That's sizable.

What's the takeaway? If you're a niche podcaster who can form a connection with a sizable brand, you're in luck. A smaller takeaway is the fact that listeners clearly connect with podcasts. That's really good news for creators.


Analysis: Let's just start with the regal purple that serves as the background of a podcast design that features The Royals. The crown is a nice touch too. The design is straightforward, but the font adds an air of extravagance. The mention of Newsweek, Royston covers Windsor Castle for the magazine, adds a touch of credibility for those unfamiliar with the podcast.


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💲 NPR has had $1.7 million in podcast revenue since 2022. Learn more.

🎧 Podcasting upfronts are getting popular. Find out why.

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