Wavve Audio Insider #27

As a creator and Wavve Maker in the Wavve community, you get this exclusive newsletter covering the audio industry, podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Thank you for being here. πŸ™

In today’s email:

  • Your words generate your environment
  • What summer activities are people doing while listening?
  • Podcasting is not slowing down
  • How will AI transform the podcast industry?
  • Wavve Design of the Week
  • How can I be a helpful UGC content creator for a brand?
  • Meme Worthy
  • How to grow your podcast on The Agents of Change podcast


Your words generate your environment

I heard something yesterday that really resonated with me:

I have learned to speak without being offensive. To listen without being defensive. And to always leave your opponent with their dignity.

There is so much power in our words. And this gentlemen clearly valued peace and harmony in his relationships.

Then I thought about what environment we aim to create with our content.

It doesn't matter if you are talking to a friend, writing a song, writing a blog, speaking on a stage, recording a podcast, giving a prompt to an AI ...

Your words are the seeds that generate the kind of environment you desire around you.

What kind of environment do you aim to create with your words?




This wavve audiogram design stood out because of its layout. Take note of the various aspects of this design. It has the logo and title in the upper left where I will start reading to orient me to what I am looking at in the social feed. Then it asks a question for context on what the topic is about. I clearly see who is talking and his credentials on the right. Then I visually see that he is talking with the waveform and captions. Really great format.


How Can I Be A Helpful UGC Content Creator For A Brand?

Some of us have so much talent but are scratching our heads on how we can monetize our talent. One way to practice things like making videos and learning social media platforms is to do this work for brands.

Specifically, create something called User Generated Content.

Here are a few reasons how you can help a brand as a UGC content creator:

  1. You help them gain a real audience
  2. You help them gain trust
  3. You give them a more human vibe
  4. You help consumers make quicker decisions



It seems like every month, there is some new announcement that changes our world forever. And then I walk outside and soak in the beautiful sun. It's peaceful. It's calm. Breathe in. Breathe out. Make June your best month ever.

The Agents of Change Podcast

I was recently interviewed by Rich at The Agents of Change podcast. We talked all things podcast growth, content strategy, and audience engagement. Rich had great questions as a host and pulled out good insights!


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This email goes to registered creators at wavve.co or those subscribed to The Wavve Blog. Wavve helps [WORK_ROLE GOES HERE] creators grow their influence online with social video and text.

Wavve Audio Insider

Join 180,000+ creators receiving insider insights about the audio industry, covering podcasting, content marketing, and social media. Wavve is a technology company helping audio creators and brands easily amplify content to grow their audience, impact, and influence.

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